About Us



Ingquza Hill Local Municipality is one of five Local Municipalities which fall within the jurisdiction of the OR Tambo District Municipality of the Eastern Cape Province. Ingquza Hill is located to the northwest of the OR Tambo District and was established through the amalgamation of the former Lusikisiki and Flagstaff Transitional Local Councils and the surrounding rural areas, which fell under the Transitional Representative Councils. The seat of the Municipality is in Lusikisiki and the municipal area is divided into 32 wards.
The Municipality is faced with enormous challenges relating to huge backlogs in infrastructure, high levels of poverty, and underdevelopment. The fact that the municipality is poor demands targeted community-focused development planning that addresses poverty and builds a firm foundation for the creation of a thriving and sustainable community.

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Residents & Community Profile

Ingquza Hill Local Municipality comprises an area of 2477 square kilometers and serves a population of approximately 303 379  people in total. The community is predominantly rural in nature. Employment rates are low and poverty levels high which impacts negatively on the municipality’s ability to generate income from services charges and rates.

A developmental, economically viable, and responsive municipality where communities enjoy equitable access to services in an environmentally sustainable manner. To facilitate sustainable development by promoting development and ensuring service delivery in a just and equitable manner focusing on infrastructural and social services through a skilled, accountable, and responsive administration and council that prioritizes community needs and good governance.

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